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Web Newsletters

Role: Editor & Copy writer

Project: Create a monthly web-based newsletter


Goal: Promote online advertising and positioning The Seattle Times Online Advertising team as the go-to source of information. 

Solution: I worked with The Seattle Times Online Design team and marketing research teams to design and write a monthly newsletter that was sent to 500+ local advertisers.  Based on feedback from subject matter experts and feedback from client advertisers, I focused the content on new opportunities in the area marketing and advertising online.  I positioned the newsletter as a source of well-researched and timely information with the goal of overcoming the easily deleted nature of normal email distributed newsletters.

Results: I won the 2007 International Newspaper Marketing Association Marketing Award and grew the distribution by ~300% within three months of launch.  The newspaper generated a nearly 25% open rate within 24 hours of sending and 65% open rate within five business days.

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